9 Steps To Finding A Profitable Niche

9 Steps To Finding A Profitable Niche



Do you think people are so preoccupied and paralysed by COVID 19 at the moment that they don’t want to do anything?

I’ve been struggling to focus properly on my work. How about you?

We are now living with chronic uncertainty experiencing fear, shock, disbelief, changed circumstances, a chaotic economy. We fear for our loved ones, ourselves and it’s all outside our control.

But in the midst of all of this let’s try to focus.

For those of you at home, who now have more time to write, you might be thinking now is the time. “It’s time now to get on with writing my book.”

But before you jump into the deep end of writing your book it is my goal with this post to give you some steps on how to research a profitable niche.




If your goal is to make sales before you start your book be confident that you are writing in a niche that is profitable. Don’t go to all the effort of writing and publishing a book only to find that there is no interest in it because this can result in an unhappy experience – zero sales.

Many authors think that because they are interested in a topic others will be interested. They might go to Amazon, do some research there, and find that there are no books on their topic. 

They then think they have discovered an untapped market but this doesn’t guarantee success.


Market research


Doing proper market research and studying the bestsellers on Amazon is the foundation of your success.

  1. Do some research to discover a niche that is already profitable. 
  2. Find a niche that people are interested in, something that people want and desire.
  3. Go to Amazon to do your research.
  4. Then go to the Kindle Store and key in Kindle eBooks.
  5. Examine the Best Seller categories and research the books that are successful.
  6. Decide whether or not the niche is worth pursuing.
  7. Find a Category with low competition and see if there are ebooks there that are selling well
  8. Identify the Bestsellers in that category
  9. Study these bestsellers and model your book on them

The idea is not to copy the bestsellers but to model them. Model what’s working, model what the audience is already saying they love. 

Customer reviews are a gold mine because you can see what they are saying they like or dislike about a book. Use this to your advantage to create a bestselling book.


Marji Hill  Author and coach




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