2 Methods Of Getting Book Reviews On Amazon
2 Methods Of Getting Book Reviews On Amazon
Are you self-publishing a Kindle eBook and Paperback on Amazon? If that’s you, are book reviews part of your marketing strategy?
Having a strategy to get book reviews on Amason is fundamental to being a successful self-publisher. Reviews give you social proof and assist with your book getting credibility.
Think of it this way. Say you are planning a trip to a holiday destination and you don’t know where to stay. You need some advice.
Reading online reviews
Reading online reviews about a hotel will help you decide whether or not to make a booking at that place.
Similarly, it’s common to check the reviews of a movie you are thinking of seeing. If a movie gets bad reviews it can affect your decision to see it. You may decide to give it a miss.
So too with books on Amazon. Reviews influence a reader as to whether or not to buy a book.
Because reviews are so powerful in their ability to sway a reader getting them is a gold mine for the author.
Campaign strategy for getting reviews
Every author going on the self-publishing pathway must face up to the fact that they need to have a campaign strategy for getting book reviews on Amazon. It’s an important part of launching your book.
Reviews don’t just happen. You are in luck if you do.
A self-publisher must have a campaign strategy in place to get reviews.
However, getting reviews is not an easy process. It’s tough and it requires mastery if you plan on becoming a successful publisher.
There are acceptable ways to get reviews and there are ways that Amazon regards as inappropriate. If the procurement of a review violates the Amazon’s Terms of Reference then Amazon will delete it.
Underlying the Amazon Terms of Reference is the fact that Amazon will only publish honest reviews that are by unbiased reviewers.
There are multiple methods for getting book reviews. I’m discussing here just two methods of getting honest reviews.
1. Ask for a review in your book
Insert a request for a review in your book. At the back end of your book have a special page that asks for a review.
Ask the question on this page: “What did you think of [title]”?
You might say how much you really appreciated the fact that the customer bought your book, and that if they enjoyed it and got some benefit from reading it, how you’d really appreciate it if they could take a little bit of their time to post an honest review on Amazon.
Put a Call To Action at the end of the page and a link to where customers can go on Amazon to leave their review.
2. Email list of reviewers
Part of any self-publishers toolbox is an email list. Email marketing is where you send out emails to people on your list with announcements, blog posts, promotions and sell products and services to a list of interested people which is connected to an autoresponder.
There are some autoresponders that are free of like Mailchimp and others such as Infusionsoft, Keap, Get Response and Aweber for which you do pay.
In the autoresponder, you can build an email group that is a dedicated list of reviewers. These are people who could review your books.
One of the benefits of having an email list of reviewers is that you can easily communicate with them and provide reviewers with information about your forthcoming or latest book.
As I’ve already said I’m only discussing two methods for getting book reviews on Amazon.
There are lots of other methods you can utilize to stimulate the acquisition of book reviews.
To learn more about writing and self-publishing on Amazon I invite you to listen to the revised and updated version of my free online class. Register for this at www.fastselfpublishingonline.com.
Marji Hill
Author and founder of Fast Self-Publishing Online